Fear of the known is a simple emotion - the unknown is the one that causes commotion.
To conquer either of the above feelings - we have to work out with what we are dealing.
I will listen to your thoughts that come from deep within - only you though will know if this is something you need to begin.
My ways of working are not and never will be conventional - but to bring about your happiness is completely intentional.
Switching off & Re-Booting your pathway may be - but unless you do something you will never see.
The first step is always down to you - why not pick up your phone and we can talk it through.
Switching Off & Re-Booting© is completely different to anything else I do.
I help you to turn off your mind - imagine it's your computer or heaven (other spiritual utopias are available) forbid your phone which has somehow got itself into a twist - can't see the wood for the trees etc. etc. We then work out together what is causing you your 'problems' sort them out and re-boot them; in other words - deal with them.
It takes courage to take control of your life and how you want to live it. Let me help you to connect and ultimately take back control of what you mayhap have lost sight of.
I will not tell you your past or even your future (not a Tarot or Crystal is worked with) But what I can do is show you what is happening in your present and give you the tools for you to ‘see' that future you long for with a fresh perspective.
This I do by taking you safely and gently on a learning journey to find out the easiest way for you to switch off the outside world and switch on your inner world. Each session is tailor - made to you.
If you are willing to learn to ‘see' beyond what you can physically see and ‘feel' beyond what you can physically feel – then mayhap just mayhap I can help you. You only have one life, isn't it time you took back control of it. I cannot promise to have all the answers you seek - no one has - but mayhap - just mayhap seeing something through someone else's eyes will help you to get that life that you deserve.
As I said before 'you only have one life' so isn't it time you started to live it. Why not come and talk to me about your life and how you need to live it - I love a challenge.
Many people only need to do just one session but you can do as many as you want. The choice is yours I'm not going to say you need, two, six or twelve – you decide what is best for you. If you think I am helping you then you come back – if not – as I said your choice. If you want to come back just for one-to-one meditations that can be arranged.
Technical Bit
Sessions are carried out at my home in Tenbury Wells - Tuesday - Friday.
Initial Consultation (2 hours +) includes lots of talking and finding out what is going on or not as the case maybe in your life, relaxation technique and 'homework' - £60
Follow up sessions are again approximately 2 hours - £45. - Follow up Meditations sessions - 1 hour - £30.
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That's it really - have a think about it. Like everything I do it's your choice not mine.
If you find what I have said is of interest then please get in touch. Contact Becci