Scrying & Crystal Ball Gazing Workshop

Scrying and Crystal Ball Gazing Workshop - Crystals by Enchantment

Scrying and Crystal Ball Gazing Workshop - Crystals by Enchantment


Scrying and Crystal Ball Gazing Workshop - Crystals by Enchantment

Scrying and Crystal Ball Gazing Workshop - Crystals by Enchantment

If you could imagine a Crystal Ball – would it be large or would it be small.
To get one to show you how it actually works – you need to see inside and with it lurk.
If this is a path you wish to walk – you have to learn to the Crystals talk.
Hidden away and deep within – is really where you should begin.
Scrying is not always about Crystals and Balls – it's about having the faith to 'see' where your fate falls.
But trying to find what needs to be found – can sometimes make your heart quiver and pound.
This is a time for your own introspection – and maybe even finding that special connection.

I seriously love Crystal Balls so this was a really easy workshop to write. It is, I hope you will find, the 'everything' you wanted to know about Scrying with a variety of 'tools' including Crystal Balls, Scrying Crystals, Mirrors, Water etc. 
Scrying is still one of the most mysterious and definitely least understood of all the divination techniques around in the world today with so many people telling you their way is the 'right way'.  Dating back to the Egyptians and Druids -  most places in the world have records of Gazing and especially Crystal Balls going back thousands of years.  Nostradamus worked with a bowl of water - something we do on the workshop.
The object of this workshop is to show you how to work with the Crystals and other items, how to Scry safely and with a bit of practice to bring about visions
During the the workshop you will see how Scrying / Gazing has always been closely associated with two of the most basic of all the ‘Psychic Gifts'  - Clairvoyance - ‘clear seeing' - Clairaudience - 'clear hearing' 
This workshop will guide you how to 'see' and above all else 'hear' what the Crystals and your own mind are telling you - not spirit - or mayhap it is! 
If you have your own Crystal Ball or Scrying Crystal bring it along otherwise I have lots to practice with.

Technical Bit
A one-day workshop - theory but mostly practical. 
One to One or maximum of Two. 
Tuesday - Saturdays
£120 in advance includes Worksheets, Refreshments and any items made.

Please Pay Here 

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That's it really - have a think about it.  Like everything I do it's your choice not mine.
If you find what I have said is of interest then please get in touch.     Contact Becci

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