Crystals by Enchantment Workshops© 

 Mayhap you want to learn to ‘read' Crystal Balls – or is it the Wands that intrigue, and to you call.
I can more often than not guide you through a workshop of your choice – to allow the Crystals and others to through you find their voice.
If you let me know what it is you need – mayhap they will allow me to help plant a seed.

Individually Evolving Workshops for those Individuals that need to Evolve

I welcome those that need to be different and walk their own path

Thank you for being curious - I love curious people.  Can I say right from the beginning so you are under absolutely no illusions - I do not, and will not ever do conventional; life is much too short to walk in someone else's footsteps.

Why 'guidance' and not teaching? Because if I teach all you are doing is copying me.  So, all the guidance I offer is, and has always been, written and given in a straight forward – completely no-nonsense but seriously entertaining way. I have never, and never will, subscribe to the airy-fairy stuff that seems to be the norm nowadays.  My one aim if I have to have one is to bring the joy back into this now way too serious spiritual and holistic world and especially where the Crystals are involved.

All the workshops I do are designed for anyone with an open mind and willing to embrace new possibilities. Where you will be guided to work with your feelings - not someone else's. 
Seriously if it has to do with Crystals, and it now seems other Ethereal subjects are making a comeback, then no workshop is off limits - within reason.

Everything I do has been designed to stretch your imagination and intuitive gifts to their limits and beyond. Where the only thing that matters is your intuition – gut feeling – inner voice - call it what you will.  For when you believe in yourself and what you can do - then just mayhap the World will believe in and with you. 
If you want to be different and work with how you feel and not how someone tells you that you should - then welcome. This is one of the main reasons I prefer to do one to one workshops - you are an individual - so no competing with another's thoughts, ideas or feelings. They evolve each time I do one. 

There are no longer any descriptions for any of the Crystals on the workshops not even their names if I can get away with it. You will choose them purely by what you are drawn to – not because an 'expert' has told you that you desperately need 'xyz'.  

I could go into depth about what each Crystals by Enchantment Workshop involves but then that would take away all the enjoyment of discovery. Only you will know which is right for you. Don't you think it is time for you to learn from your feelings and intuition,  if you truly want to?

Below are the subjects for some of them, but please do not hesitate to ask about other subjects.  All one day workshops are £120 per person with a 15% discount off anything you buy on the day. 

Please note most of my workshops are one to one, or occasionally two, this allows me to devote my time to your intensive guidance. I can do most days of the week including Sundays. 


The Original Crystal Wand Workshop - Crystals by Enchantment

The Original Crystal Wand     Workshop©

Crystals and their World Workshop - Crystals by Enchantment

Crystals and their World Workshops©


Scrying and Crystal Ball Gazing Workshop - Crystals by Enchantment

Scrying and Crystal Ball Gazing Workshop©

Creative Drawing Meditation Workshop - Crystals by Enchantment

Creative Drawing Meditation Workshop©


If needing to learn to change the way you work with Crystals, and other paths, is something you would like to do - then welcome to my world - your choice.  Please get in touch if your choice is to change. 

Contact Becci

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