Crystal Treasure Chest Box

Crystals by Enchantment


A Wooden Box filled with an assortment of Crystals

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A box filled with different Crystals – to mayhap help with the magical and mystical.
Work with them when you feel a special need – or to help to find a way to plant an idea seed.
Or what about when you need that bit of strength – to do what you know you are meant.

These are small 'Treasure' boxes measuring approx 9cm x 6cm x 6cm. They have Egyptian scenes embossed on them. The Crystals are a true assortment of sizes and shapes - they are different in each box.

Please take a good look at the pictures as they form part of the description. If you have any questions or would like to see more photos or come and see them, then please don't hesitate to get in touch. 

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